Texas Learner License DMV Test Prep

Texas Learner License DMV Practice Tests - 2025

Pass the Texas Learner License test with confidence! Our Texas Learner's License DMV practice test questions & detailed answer explanations are up to date with latest 2025 rules and regulations. Our driver's ed program has helped thousands of test-takers pass their Texas Learner License DMV test and comes with a 100% Pass Money-Back Guarantee!

Get 750+ Texas Learner License practice test questions that are similar to the ones you will find on the actual Texas Learner License test. Our tests include road signs, rules of the road, traffic control devices, safety, vehicle operation and general driving knowledge. You also get access to our online vocabulary flashcards, driver's ed videos, and instant access to your Texas Learner License DMV manual!

Our DMV Driving Test Prep Includes:

  • 750+ DMV Test Questions & Answers
  • On-The-Road Driver's Ed Videos
  • Take Unlimited DMV Tests For 1 Year
  • Practice Mode & Timed Exam Mode
  • DMV Vocab Flashcards & Glossary
  • Your State DMV Driving Manual
  • Rules & Regulations Updated 2025
  • Support From DMV Liability Attorney
Pass your Texas Learner License Exam - $24.95

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Pass The Texas Learner License Test!

Our Texas Learner License test prep has helped thousands of test takers to pass their Texas Learner License test.

Our Texas Learner License exam prep comes with hundreds of Learner License test questions that apply to Texas. Gain instant access to vocabulary flashcards, and Texas Learner License ed videos.

Our Texas Learner License test prep program has helped thousands of test takers pass their exam, and comes with a 100% Pass Money-Back Guarantee!

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In Texas, you must be at least 15 years of age to obtain a Learner’s License. Visit the Texas “How to apply for a Texas Driver License” webpage here:


Visit the Texas “How to apply for a Texas Driver License as a Teen” webpage here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/DriverLicense/teenDriver.htm

Texas Guide for First Time DL/ID Applicants here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/Internetforms/Forms/DL-100E.pdf

There are two phases of licensing for all teens before graduating to a full driver license. It is called the Graduated Driver License Program. The two phases are:

  • Phase I - Learner License
  • Phase II – Provisional Driver License
  • This entry-level restricted driver license allows you to practice driving with a licensed adult before you graduate to the next level
  • You must be between 15 and 17 years of age
  • You must have completed the first six hours of the driver education classroom instruction if you are using the concurrent method or all 32 hours of classroom instruction if you are using the block method.
  • You must provide evidence that you obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent; or are a student enrolled in a public, private, or home school and attended school for at least 90% of the time in the fall or spring semester preceding the date of application; or are currently enrolled in a program to prepare you to pass the high school equivalency exam. You must have been enrolled for the previous 45 days from the date of applying for your learner license; or if you are applying during the summer and are still enrolled in school, your last report card for the most recent school year is acceptable provided it has your name, a list of absences, and a complete listing of grades
  • You must have a licensed adult 21 years or older in the front passenger seat when driving
  • You must hold this license for at least six months, unless you turn 18
  • You are restricted from using a wireless communications device, including a hands-free device, except in the case of an emergency
  • If your license is suspended at any time while you hold a learner license, the initial six-month period increases by the number of days of the suspension. This is to make sure you hold a valid learner license for a full six-months.
  • Your learner license will expire on your 18th birthday

The requirements to get your Texas Phase II Provisional Driver License and the restrictions are:

  • You must have held your valid learner license for at least six-months, unless you have reached 18 years of age
  • You must be between 16 and 17 years of age
  • You must have completed behind-the-wheel portion of driver education, which includes: 7 hours of in car observation sitting beside the instructor, watching the instructor demonstrate certain points of instruction; 7 hours of in car observation driving and demonstrating to the instructor that you have learned the points of instruction; 30 hours of behind the wheel driving practice, of which at least 10 hours must be at night with a licensed driver 21 years of age or older in the vehicle at all times
  • You must have completed the Impact Texas Teen Driver Program within the previous 90 days of taking your skills test
  • You must successfully pass your driving test
  • Expires on your 18th birthday
  • You may not drive a motor vehicle with more than one passenger in the vehicle under 21 who is not a family member
  • You may not drive a motor vehicle between midnight and 5:00 a.m., unless the operation of the vehicle is necessary for the driver to work, to attend or participate in a school-related activity, or due to a medical emergency
  • You are restricted from using a wireless communications device, including a hands-free device, except in the case of an emergency
  • This driver license will expire when you turn 18. You will need to visit your local driver license office within 30 days of it expiring to renew it.  You will then be issued a driver license for individuals under 21 years of age.

You must pass a knowledge test consisting of 30 multiple-choice questions based on the Texas Drivers Handbook. A score of 80% is required. You must answer 24 out of the 30 questions correctly to pass the Texas knowledge exam. Schedule your DPS appointment here:



Schedule your driving road test appointment here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/DriverLicense/ScheduleTest.htm

You must visit a driver license office and provide proof of the following to obtain a learner license:

  • U.S. Citizenship or, if you are not a U.S. Citizen, evidence of lawful presence
  • Texas Residency
  • Proof of Identity
  • Social Security Number
  • Texas Driver Education Certificate showing classroom completion
  • Verification of Enrollment and Attendance (VOE form) issued by a school, or a high school diploma or equivalent (GED) (see Phase I information above)

A document checklist is available for download here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/internetforms/Forms/DL-67.pdf

The required documents can be found here:


When applying for a Texas Driver's License for the first time, you must present originals of all of the following documents to apply for a driver license:

  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship or, if you are not a U.S. Citizen, evidence of lawful presence
  • Texas Residency
  • Identity
  • Social Security Number
  • Evidence of Texas Vehicle Registration for each vehicle you own. Registration must be current
  • Proof of Insurance for each vehicle you own (If you do not own a vehicle, you will sign a statement affirming this)

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Driver Licensing phone number is (512) 424-2600



Texas DPS hours and locations and branch phone numbers can be found here: https://www.dps.texas.gov/rolodex/search.asp

If you are under 18, you must have your parent or guardian’s written approval

A vision test is required to obtain a Texas Learner’s License or Driver’s License

A physical exam is not required to obtain a Texas Learner’s License or Driver’s License

A photograph will be taken at the Texas DPS office

  • You must have held your valid learner license for at least six-months, unless you have reached 18 years of age
  • You must have completed behind-the-wheel portion of driver education, which includes: 7 hours of in car observation sitting beside the instructor, watching the instructor demonstrate certain points of instruction; 7 hours of in car observation driving and demonstrating to the instructor that you have learned the points of instruction; 30 hours of behind the wheel driving practice, of which at least 10 hours must be at night with a licensed driver 21 years of age or older in the vehicle at all times
  • You must have completed the Impact Texas Teen Driver Program within the previous 90 days of taking your skills test
  • You must successfully pass your driving road test

DMV Practice Tests

Pass the driver's license written test with confidence! Our practice drivers and learner's permit test questions come with detailed answer explanation all of which are up to date with latest 2025 rules and regulations, and have helped thousands of test-takers pass their DMV drivers test!

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